A conversation with the moon حوآر مع القمر أتعشَقُ مثلَ الرّبا و الشّجرْ فـ تُهدِي الضّياءَ لها يا قمرْ Are…
Continue ReadingHollow-eyed
They give her glamorous dress; playing hide and seek with her soft body, cherry flavored lips, red paint for nails…
Continue Reading13 Oft-Repeated Contentions to God’s Existence Answered!
13 Oft-Repeated Contentions to God’s Existence Answered!
Contention Source: 13 Oft-Repeated Contentions to God’s Existence Answered!
Continue ReadingThe Humbleness Of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم
Shama’il Muhammadiyah » The Humbleness Of Rasoolullah صلى الله عليه وسلم The Humbleness Of Rasoolullah ‘Umar Radiyallahu ‘Anhu says: ”Rasulullah…
Continue ReadingLessons to be Learnt #Aqeedah
The correct course for a Muslim is to learn Quran & ponder upon it and also to memorise the sayings…
Continue ReadingNature leads me toward its Creator
Nature Inspire me… the way river flows, wind blows, the rain drop touches the leaves and the thunder makes…
Continue ReadingAnswer for a Deception
Self deception is the enemy of self awareness. It’s defrauds us on a big scale by causing biasness, Behaviors can’t…
Traveling Light…
Allah humma ihdina assirata al mustaqeem ya allah Traveling on Traveling light Through the hills and valleys of my life…
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