
‘Why me?’ are not just two words, they are the phases. Phases which come and go. Why me? A question, a thought which always raises whenever we face anything out of plan or anything unexpected or anything unwanted. Why me? Has multiple cases. It’s not like any singular case that makes a person think about his bad. It caused because of multiple issues at a time. A phase of a life where you are facing
…باتیں کچھ میری, Random Writes   , , , , ,
We always go to find a balanced life, everything perfectly fine, well balanced, well defined, well understood. Does this really happen? Can we get this “well balanced” life? A well balanced life is nothing more than a glamorous word, a one sided description of a healthy happy life. In reality this is not more than a popular thing to learn only.  We cannot get everything perfectly balanced?  How?  Why? Let me make one ‘very clear’
…باتیں کچھ میری, Random Writes   , , , , , , , ,
Why we always want to turn every sadness into happiness. Why we don’t want to feel and accept the natural tendency of being sad or feeling stress. It’s all normal to be sad, cry, feel stress, feeling not better, it’s OK. These are natural attitudes, let people feel them. What they are feeling, just give them hope and courage to face the sadness, stress and multiple feelings.   Don’t make them a zombie who don’t
…باتیں کچھ میری, Random Writes   , , , , , , ,
    Marriages are not so beautiful, but the relation is… the thing which I like in marriage is that there are two imperfect souls who never gave up on each other. They fight, they lie, they hide, they cheat sometimes, they ignore, they betray, they insult, they give hard times but what may the situation is. They should never ever give up on each other… They unite by the will of Allah and should
…باتیں کچھ میری, Uncategorized   , , , , , , , ,
In touch with ahlul ilm instead of Facebook warriors! 15 Shaban is in town, few are celebrating it, few are going against it. Those who are celebrating don’t know the reality and those who are going against it also don’t know the reality. Khair… Issue raised when people who are going against it also go against sahih Hadeeth . yes! There are few hadeeths are in sahiha which shows us that not some extra bit
No matter how softly you whisper your prayers & dreams, The Almighty listens & knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart. When we pray, He hears more than we say, He answers more than we say, He answers more than we ask, He gives more than we imagine. But at His own time and in His own style.  
No matter how softly you whisper your prayers & dreams, The Almighty listens & knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart. When we pray, He hears more than we say, He answers more than we say, He answers more than we ask, He gives more than we imagine. But at His own time and in His own style.  
Apple pie dessert jelly-o cotton candy soufflé toffee croissant candy canes. Cupcake chupa chups danish sugar plum candy canes marshmallow. Bear claw soufflé cheesecake toffee cake oat cake pastry. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly-o. Sesame snaps cake macaroon jelly candy sesame snaps. Bonbon powder sesame snaps toffee marshmallow halvah icing. Soufflé croissant halvah cake danish liquorice jujubes sugar plum icing. Pie lemon drops gummi bears ice cream tart chocolate cake candy canes. Sesame snaps lollipop marshmallow
Blog, Food
Fruitcake danish cupcake sweet roll chocolate bar bonbon candy sugar plum fruitcake. Cheesecake jujubes gummies powder danish gummies chocolate. Jelly-o dessert cotton candy gingerbread. Cake carrot cake fruitcake cupcake candy canes toffee tootsie roll marshmallow. Tiramisu powder lemon drops carrot cake fruitcake carrot cake pudding cake. Candy cupcake marzipan. Jelly beans cake oat cake pastry. Lemon drops soufflé powder gummies pie toffee. Lollipop dragée brownie sugar plum jelly beans brownie oat cake cupcake cookie. Candy
Cheesecake gummi bears icing jujubes tootsie roll toffee lollipop sweet roll. Cake jelly-o pie oat cake muffin tootsie roll wafer candy liquorice. Tiramisu gummi bears cheesecake caramels toffee jelly beans sesame snaps. Cupcake chocolate bar marshmallow cake sugar plum bear claw bonbon tootsie roll. Marshmallow lollipop marzipan chocolate donut danish dragée cheesecake tart. Lollipop cheesecake cake lollipop chocolate cake icing candy canes. Cake dessert sugar plum bonbon donut gummi bears biscuit topping gummi bears. Gummi

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