October 22, 2016
Feminism: A pointless attention seeking
Feminism’s battle has been won. It’s time to move on It should be celebrating its triumphs. Instead it has descended into pointless attention-seeking It would be easy to believe from the papers these days that women have never been more oppressed. From the columnist Caitlin Moran to the comedian Bridget Christie, a new creed is preached: that we are the victims, not the victors, of the sex war. Feminists claim we are objectified by the
October 22, 2016
Feminism: A pointless attention seeking
Feminism’s battle has been won. It’s time to move on It should be celebrating its triumphs. Instead it has descended into pointless attention-seeking It would be easy to believe from the papers these days that women have never been more oppressed. From the columnist Caitlin Moran to the comedian Bridget Christie, a new creed is preached: that we are the victims, not the victors, of the sex war. Feminists claim we are objectified by the
July 28, 2016
The definition of sincerity— Sh. Salih al Munajjid
Linguistically: It is extracted from the verb (Akhlas) whose source is (Ikhlaas), which means to make pure and not mixed with anything else. This is why Chapter Al-Ikhlaas was given this name, because it emphasizes the Oneness of Allah and that He should be worshipped alone. Ibn Al-Atheer (rahimahullah) said: “It was given this name because the one who recites it purifies his monotheism to Allah.” The word Ikhlaas is the word of Tawheed (monotheism).
May 22, 2016
Cosmological Argument (Kalam)
P1- Whatever begins to exist has a cause P2- The universe began to exist = Therefore the universe has a cause Now that “Cause” must be un-caused, transcendent, immaterial, space-less, eternal, supreme and One. Whatever Begins to Exist has a Cause Ex nahilo nahil fit (out of nothing, nothing come) this is substantiated premise which is absorbed by the centuries and every layman can easily accept this fact, you are using your pen and you
Don’t let your schooling interfere in your religion! (Part-1) Here, I just mold the idea of Mark Taiwan as he referred education on first place, I do agree with his option, but I think the option I suggested is fairly important now a days for our generation and generations to come. We allow our system to control mindsets which is dangerous , we allow media to mesmerize us and to set new trends , we
May 6, 2016
Do not SPY
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Beneficient “…..And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hate backbiting). And fear Allah, verily, Allah is the one who accepts repentance, Most Merciful” (Al-Hujuraat: 12). “Wa la tajassasu” (and spy not )… There are two kinds of spying; Tajassus and Tahassus Tajassus :the act of following the ‘awrat (secret
April 4, 2016
Feminisim Debunked
Anti Islamic discussions booths are everywhere and polluting our layman’s mind against Islam and one of the most vast spreading topic is “Feminism” Now the basic question is that what feminism is? Well ! The most Feminist (Popular Opinion): Hairy, man-hating women determined to prove themselves superior to men and take over all male jobs. And basically feminism is “An advocate for social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men.” Feminist
January 17, 2016
Morality and theism The existence of God provides us the only executable explanation of the necessary conditions as an objective morality. Only with the belief in God you can say about the objective morality. There are many things which we cannot explain without God as Voltaire said “If there is no God then you must invent him” this statement show that how important the belief in God is, that you can’t deny the main law
January 16, 2016
What’s Morality? Don’t Ask This Darwinian Philosopher
In the Chronicle of Higher Education today, philosopher Michael Ruse concludes: “The scientific claim is that morality is natural. It is an adaptation produced by natural selection to make us good cooperators.” Yet the “morality” that Ruse describes, and thinks he explains, has little to do with what just about every person actually thinks morality is. According to Ruse, moral beliefs are emotional sentiments that get us to cooperate in kin-survival-enhancing ways. Practically no one
December 21, 2015
Many of the depressed moments passed by, and still i am wondering about my life that how things were started and how roads turned bumpy stony, winds started blowing against me and yet, how things became easier. All around what I observed was darkness but what kept me going? what kept me in tact, what made em strong? The answer is: Hope!! Hope is one of the most beautiful feeling, hence a blessing of